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Publish with us

Worldwide Cancer Research

Elsevier has established a funding body agreement with Worldwide Cancer Research to help authors publishing in Elsevier journals comply, and to facilitate a successful implementation of their policy. Details about how to comply are outlined below.


  • Worldwide Cancer Research has developed an open access policy opens in new tab/window, which requires grant holders, whose projects start on or after the 1st of January 2014 to make their peer reviewed papers, directly arising from Worldwide Cancer Research grants, available through open access.

  • These research papers should also be available within the Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) repository as soon as possible, but within six months of publication of the paper.

  • The Worldwide Cancer Research open access policy applies to research that is wholly or substantially funded by Worldwide Cancer Research.

  • Worldwide Cancer Research-funded authors are free to choose between gold and green open access options offered by Elsevier.

Gold open access

  • Authors can comply by publishing in either an Elsevier open access journal or in a subscription journal that has an open access option.

  • To provide open access, a publication fee needs to be met for each article published open access. For information about specific open access publication fees, please refer to the individual journal’s guide for authors. Worldwide Cancer Research has a fund, separate to your grant award, to meet these costs. Please note that the maximum contribution Worldwide Cancer Research will make towards a single APC is £2,000.

  • All Worldwide Cancer Research grant holders, past and present, are eligible to apply for article processing costs (APC) when choosing gold open access to publish work in  that was wholly or substantially supported by their Worldwide Cancer Research grant(s).

  • All articles published open access have permitted reuse, which is determined by the author's choice of user licenses. Please note that if Worldwide Cancer Research pays an APC, the paper must be published under the CC BY Creative Commons, Attribution license.

  • Upon final publication, Elsevier will immediately send to Europe PMC the final published journal article (PJA) as it appears on ScienceDirect. PMC and PMC mirror sites will also link directly to this same article on Elsevier’s websites.

See full details of the Worldwide Cancer Research Open Access Policy here opens in new tab/window.

Green open access

  • Elsevier’s sharing policy allows authors who publish in Elsevier journals to comply with Worldwide Cancer Research’s open access policy opens in new tab/window.

  • Authors need to keep a copy of their manuscript, which may include any author-incorporated changes suggested through the peer review process (also called an accepted manuscript: AM).

  • Authors post this version on their institutional repository, with a CC BY-NC-ND user license, for public access, after a journal-specific embargo period has expired. Any articles made gold open access may be immediately posted to these sites in accordance with Elsevier’s policy.

  • Authors should add a link back to the final version of the article hosted on ScienceDirect.

  • To choose this option, there are no fees for either the author or institution, as the costs associated with publication are covered by library subscriptions to the journal.

  • If you are a Worldwide Cancer Research-funded author and if any of your Elsevier published articles are not available in Europe PMC, then you may use Elsevier's sharing and hosting policy to deposit papers in this repository. Deposits made via this route must adhere to the journal-specific embargo. Such articles can be posted under a CC BY-NC-ND license.