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Publish with us

Committee & speakers

Conference Co-Chairs

Mark S. George


Mark S. George

Editor-in-Chief, Brain Stimulation, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA

Read more about Mark S. George
Harold A. Sackeim


Harold A. Sackeim

Founding Editor, Brain Stimulation, Medical University of South Carolina, USA

Read more about Harold A. Sackeim

Plenary Speakers

Marom Bikson


Marom Bikson

The City College of New York, New York New York, USA

Read more about Marom Bikson
Andre Brunoni


Andre R. Brunoni

University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Read more about Andre R. Brunoni
Shirley Fecteau


Shirley Fecteau

Laval University, Quebec, Quebec, Canada

Read more about Shirley Fecteau
Zelma Kiss


Zelma Kiss

University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Read more about Zelma Kiss
Randolph Nudo


Randolph Nudo

The University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas, USA

Read more about Randolph Nudo
 Walter Paulus


Walter Paulus

University Medical Centre, Göttingen, Germany

Read more about Walter Paulus
Charlotte Stagg


Charlotte Stagg

University of Oxford, UK

Read more about Charlotte Stagg
Ulf Ziemann


Ulf Ziemann

Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, Department Neurology and Stroke, Tübingen, Germany

Read more about Ulf Ziemann
Takenobu Murakami


Takenobu Murakami

Tottori University, Japan

Read more about Takenobu Murakami

Program Committee

Marom Bikson


Marom Bikson

The City College of New York, New York New York, USA

Read more about Marom Bikson
Andre Brunoni


Andre R. Brunoni

University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Read more about Andre R. Brunoni
Shirley Fecteau


Shirley Fecteau

Laval University, Quebec, Quebec, Canada

Read more about Shirley Fecteau
Mark S. George


Mark S. George

Editor-in-Chief, Brain Stimulation, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA

Read more about Mark S. George
Ritsuko Hanajima


Ritsuko Hanajima

The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Read more about Ritsuko Hanajima
Zelma Kiss


Zelma Kiss

University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Read more about Zelma Kiss
Randolph Nudo


Randolph Nudo

The University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas, USA

Read more about Randolph Nudo
Harold A. Sackeim


Harold A. Sackeim

Founding Editor, Brain Stimulation, Medical University of South Carolina, USA

Read more about Harold A. Sackeim
Charlotte Stagg


Charlotte Stagg

University of Oxford, UK

Read more about Charlotte Stagg
Ulf Ziemann


Ulf Ziemann

Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, Department Neurology and Stroke, Tübingen, Germany

Read more about Ulf Ziemann

Local Organising Committee

Yasuo Terao


Yasuo Terao

Kyorin University, Japan

Read more about Yasuo Terao