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Article selection from Microbiological Research and The Microbe

Explore the collection of articles carefully selected by the Editors-in-Chief of Microbiological Research and The Microbe alongside with their commentary.

The Microbe

Editor-in-Chief: Lachlan Beckingham

  • The impact of stone position and location on the microbiome of a marble statue opens in new tab/window LB: Artifacts from our cultural heritage offer invaluable insights into the evolution of human societies, and their preservation is paramount to keeping this window to the past open. This research article explores the diverse microbiomes found on marble statues, uncovering significant correlations between their positions and locations and the microbial diversity they harbor. By pinpointing key variations in the relative abundances of biodeteriogenic microbes, this study provides crucial insights to inform preservation endeavors.

  • The potential of β-glucosidases for aroma and flavor improvement in the food industry opens in new tab/window LB: Flavor and aroma are cornerstone elements within the food industry, profoundly shaping consumer preferences. This review investigates the application of β-glucosidases, pivotal enzymes facilitating sugar hydrolysis, underscoring the significant impact of microbial β-glucosidases on flavor and aroma enhancement. Additionally, it explores their role in fostering greener and more sustainable industrial methodologies.

  • Rhizoctonia root-rot diseases in sugar beet: Pathogen diversity, pathogenesis and cutting-edge advancements in management research opens in new tab/window LB: As important sources of both sugar and biofuel, the susceptibility of sugar beets (Beta vulgaris L.) to various diseases poses a significant threat to agricultural, food, and fuel industries. This review investigates the repercussions of Rhizoctonia infection on sugar beet production, underscoring the pressing need for robust control measures against this fungal pathogen to prevent root-rot and crown disease, highlighting innovative strategies aimed at curbing substantial crop yield losses and reducing reliance on environmentally harmful fungicides.

the microbe cover

Editor-in-Chief: Lachlan Beckingham

Microbiological Research

Editor-in-Chief: Xiaohui Zhou

Microbiological Research cover

Editor-in-Chief: Xiaohui Zhou